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Ammannia gracilis


  • 7 Stems
  • Medium Light
  • Medium CO2
  • Midground to Background Plant
  • Fast Growth Rate

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Ammannia gracilis


  • 7 Stems
  • Medium Light
  • Medium CO2
  • Midground to Background Plant
  • Fast Growth Rate

in stock


For many years, Ammannia gracilis is known in the aquarium hobby as one of the most colourful stem plants. It is often falsely labeled Nesaea crassicaulis (Ammannia crassicaulis) in trade. True Ammannia crassicaulis is a similar species that gets only yellowish green to reddish under water, not as red as A. gracilis, however it is probably a very rare aquarium plant. A. gracilis is native to West Africa (Senegambia) where it occurs as wetland plant in full sun, at sandy riverbanks and in floodplains. The plant is able to grow above and under water. In its terrestrial form its leaves are inconspicuously green. However it develops its up to 12 cm long submerged leaves when it is under water. The upper side of the leaves is brown-red, the lower side deeply violet.

The Red Ammannia is one of the more demanding aquarium plants. It should get much light; complete macro- and micronutrient supply, also via the bottom, is important. Rather soft water is beneficial, but with CO2 addition the plant also thrives in medium hard water. It prefers higher temperatures above 24 °C and still tolerates 32 °C. Several stems of different length should be planted into the ground with some space to each other. As well as other stem plants, this Ammannia is propagated by cuttings of the stem tip and side shoots.

With its broad shoots and splendid brown-red coloration, the Red Ammannia looks best as a group in the midground of larger aquariums. It is well suited for creating “plant streets” in Dutch style tanks. Ammannia gracilis may also be interesting for open tanks because it readily grows out of the water. Strong lighting provided, one may expect its little light purple flowers.

  • Family Name : Lythraceae
  • Origin : West Africa
  • Height : 5-8”
  • pH : 5-7.5
  • Temperature : 12-32°C
Weight 0.04 kg


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