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KINTONS Mist Maker


  • 220-240V Supply
  • Include Mist maker & Power Supply

in stock



KINTONS Mist Maker


  • 220-240V Supply
  • Include Mist maker & Power Supply

in stock



KINTONS Mist Maker with Multicolours LED

  • KINTONS Mist Maker Power consumption: 220-240 V with mains adapter with an output of 24 volts Lamps with LED by combining blue, yellow, red, and white.
  • Create natural white mist(fog) on the surface of the water.
  • The mist adds healthy moisture to any dry environment. They are widely used in aquariums, interior decoration, fragrance beauty, pool indoor and outdoor projects, and many areas.
  • KINTONS Mist Maker utilizes electrical oscillation frequencies, via ceramic disc’s high frequencies resonance to create natural white mist(fog) on the surface of the water with no chemicals, no dry ice needed whatsoever.
  • Place it into clean tap water and immediately see the cool-steam fog vapor rising out of the water.

Caution for Use:

  • The Spray head should be flat (Upright), and the water surface should keep more than 5-10 mm higher than the prominent water level probe, which cannot be too high. Otherwise, it can not have fog or less fog. When the water level is below the probe, the atomizer will be automatic protect and stop spraying.
  • The Automizing film should be often washed and kept clean. Otherwise, it will not spray or be small fog. If the fog is still small after cleaning, you need to change a new automizing film.
  • Do not put the spray head in the water with high concentration acid and high alkali. In order to avoid the spray head and automating film being corroded.
Weight 0.18 kg


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