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UNIQUE AQUA Bio Fertilizer


  • 200ml Bottle
  • Made in Sri Lanka

in stock


UNIQUE AQUA Bio Fertilizer


  • 200ml Bottle
  • Made in Sri Lanka

in stock


UNIQUE AQUA Bio Fertilizer is a liquid carbonic fertilizer based on natural components. It Provides readily available carbon quickly and efficiently to all aquarium plants. Contains potassium, iron, manganese and boron.

What is carbon
Carbon is the most important nutrient for aquarium plants.
Almost 40% of the dry mass of plants consists of carbon. Carbon (carbon dioxide) is usually absent from aquariums – consequence: poor plant growth. And when plants grow poorly, algae
parasites seize their chance.

UNIQUE AQUA Bio Fertilizer provides readily available carbon quickly and effectively to all aquarium plants from mosses and fast-growing stem plants to echinodores and cryptocorynes grow thicker and stronger. Their leaves grow and their colors intensify. The result is already visible after a few weeks – watch for young shoots and young leaves.Through healthy and vigorous growth, plants become a strong competitor for algae. Unwanted algae are repelled. The whole aquarium looks healthier, greener and more beautiful.


1.Liquid carbonic fertilizer based on natural components.

2 .Provides readily available carbon quickly and efficiently to all aquarium plants with potassium, iron, manganese and boron.

3.Accelerates growth

4.For healthy and vigorous plant growth.

5.Safely prevents algae growth through vigorous plant growth.

6.A visible success after only a few weeks

7.Can be used with and without additional carbon dioxide manure.

8.Good biological tolerance for all aquarium inhabitants (fish, shrimps, crayfish, snails, etc.) within the framework of an adapted dosage and use.

Weight 0.24 kg


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