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Bucephalandra Moss


  • MediumLight
  • Medium Co2
  • Epiphytic Plant
  • Slow Growth Rate

in stock


Bucephalandra Moss


  • MediumLight
  • Medium Co2
  • Epiphytic Plant
  • Slow Growth Rate

in stock


Bucephalandra Moss is a rare and truly beautiful miniature moss that has tiny leaves and grows extremely compact. It has a very bright green tone foliage which stands out from other mosses. In Aquarzon aquarium, it is used as a carpeting moss and as a moss to fill gaps between plants and hardscape which can create a very beautiful, natural aquascape effect.
As per Aquarzon’s research, this is understood to be a liverwort. Buce Moss originates from Southeast Asia, particularly Borneo. It is usually found growing on Bucephalandra which is the reason it was given the name Bucephalandra Moss. It can form a very good grip even on smooth surfaces such as acrylic when grown under high intensity lighting.
Although a number of sources state that it has a slow growth speed, we found it to have the ability to grow fairly fast under high intensity lighting and 30ppm Co2. This is why we believe it is important to have actual growing experience as a lot of information online may be recycled. Overall, we would rate this moss as having medium growth speed in higher tech tanks and slow growth speed in low tech tanks.
To save customers from accidentally damaging this plant, Aquarzon would like to highlight that Buce Moss can be sensitive to liquid carbon (glutaraldehyde) which is the active ingredient of Seachem Excel, BBA removers, etc. If using any of these products at full dose, it can cause the moss to turn brown. We recommend either not using those products with this Moss (of if you really have to use those products, test with a much lower dose first).

Family Name :
Origin : Borneo
Height : 1cm
pH : 5.5 -7.8
Temperature : 18 – 28°C

Weight 0.01 kg


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