You can buy Aquatic Plant under three main categories as Easy, Medium, Hight tech and they are grouped as below. Be sure to always add Emerse-type aquatic plants to your new or old tank, regardless of category. This is because the plants do not contain...
Follow the steps below if you are creating a tank with new aquatic plants. When choosing a tank, if you are hoping to create Medium Care – High Tech Care, it is more appropriate to choose a tank with a length of 1-2 feet and...
In general, care should be taken not to expose it to the sun, regardless of the category above, when growing aquatic plants. Because of this, sunlight is one of the main causes of Algae formation. Also, it is more appropriate to provide the light and...
The skill of aquascaping allows one to arrange hardscape, or rocks and driftwood, and plants in a tank in a variety of imaginative and beautiful ways. The only restriction on how one may build a planted aquarium is their own creative ability. There are countless...
1. Brown Algae – Diatoms (Diatomaceae) inadequate illumination in older aquariums without CO2 or excessive ammonia levels in recently installed tanks. It prefers the presence of silicates and ammonia, the latter of which can come from tap water, sand, poor-quality gravel, stones unfit for use...
Because it feeds algae-eating fish and invertebrates and helps cleanse the water of harmful waste compounds, algae is a naturally occurring component of the ecology in aquariums. Since too much algae may impede your view of the fish tank and slow down healthy plant development,...